From hungry and exhausted to satiated and energetic

Lori had tried everything to lose weight but had never succeeded. Calorie-restricted diets left Lori hungry and exhausted and it wasn’t until she found the Two Week Keto Challenge she could start losing weight while still being satiated.

This is her story:

“I was diabetic and on medications for high blood pressure and diabetes”

At the beginning of 2017, my husband and I had started and stopped dieting more times then I could count, always getting frustrated with sugar cravings and low energy with little to no results so we’d give up. Then on Mother’s Day 2017, I saw a picture of myself that absolutely horrified me but enabled me to finally commit to dieting and eventually stumble onto the Go Keto Guide’s website. I was 47 years old, 150 pounds (68 kg) overweight, told I was diabetic and on medications for high blood pressure and diabetes. As a registered nurse, I knew I needed to lose weight because I was at a dangerously high risk but I didn’t know how to because I was always exhausted and hungry.I started this journey doing the only thing I knew which was a 1200-calorie high protein and low-fat diet. I soon became exhausted and resorted to a few weeks of B12 shots with a fat burner at a weight loss clinic who continued to counsel me on lowering my calorie intake to 1000-1200 calories per day (I was over 300 pounds (136 kg) at the time and 5’11″ (180 cm)). Then a distant memory of some friends of ours a year before and their success with keto rang in my head. I started researching ketogenic diets and soon ran across the Go Keto Guide website. I quickly learned through the videos how to implement the diet and most importantly, why it would work for me. That evening we started the Two week challenge and we were hooked. The meals from the Keto Recipe Club were so delicious and the low-carb eating kept me satisfied. Two weeks in, I was off my blood-pressure and diabetes medicines. I very easily converted to eating two meals in an 8-hour window and regularly practice intermittent fasting now. The pounds have just melted off of me and today when I am hungry, I eat guilt-free.

“I have lost 115 pounds (52 kg), I have tons of energy and I love to cook again!”

I am now a little over a year into the low carb lifestyle I have lost 115 pounds (52 kg), I have tons of energy and I love to cook again! My HbA1c is in the non-diabetic range, my cholesterol is better than ever and my blood pressure remains in the normal range. I had peripheral neuropathy and restless leg syndrome which have resolved as well as knee, back and ankle issues. I have converted many friends and family to the low carb lifestyle as they have seen the easy and miraculous results I’ve experienced. I tell anyone who asks (and many that don’t) about the low-carb lifestyle and how easy the Two Week Keto Challenge makes it.Thank you for making it so easy to learn and embrace the low-carb Keto lifestyle! You saved my life! 